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        Welcome to visit main page of Qingzheng Foods!

        Frozen Wakame Mekabu

        Spores for undaria pinnitafida is the root segment for Undaria Pinnitafida and also called as sarcodia montagneana. The effective ingredients in sarcodia montagneana include dissoluble cholesterol with special effect including blood vessels softening, blood fat reduction, blood purification, hypertension prevention, myocardial infarction, arteriosclerosis and thromboembolism. The calcium content in sarcodia montagneana is thirteen times as milk which will bring effect as strengthening human skeleton, relieving tension and preventing senile dementia; It is full of irony and the best supply origin for preventing anemia.

        Batching table: Spore of Nepotism
        Specification: 15KG/Carton
        Shelf Life: 24 Months
        Storage Method: -18℃ for frozen storage
        Using Method: Can be cold-mixed or used as food materials after soaking.

        Copyright ? 2018 Weihai Qingzheng Foods Co.,Ltd All Rights Reserved.

        Technology : DaQian
