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        Welcome to visit main page of Qingzheng Foods!

        Salted Kelp Roll

        Kelp is a kind of vegetable with high nutrition and certain medical value. It contains enriched mineral elements as iodine. There is low quantity of heat, medium content of protein and enriched mineral substance in it. According to research, there are diversified biological functions for blood fat & sugar reduction, immunoregulation, anticoagulation, anticancer, detoxification and antioxidation.

        Batching table: Kelp
        Specification: 15KG/Carton
        Shelf Life: 24 Months
        Storage Method: -18℃ for frozen storage
        Using Method: It can be used to cool-mix, hot soup and stir-frying after soaked with water.

        Copyright ? 2018 Weihai Qingzheng Foods Co.,Ltd All Rights Reserved.

        Technology : DaQian
